EU ETS: What approaches and options for reform?


Brussels – 6 May 2015

CEPS Conference Room – Place du Congrès 1 – 1000 Brussels
Matteo Mazzoni, Carbon and Power Market analyst -NE Nomisma Energia



Presentation: EU ETS Restructuring

We will select and present a package of reform options, on the basis of the paper on EU ETS structural reform options, in which CEPS cooperated with a number of other institutions, including the Wegener Centre at the University of Graz, WIFO & the Austrian Environment Agency.

The panellists are invited to comment on this proposed reform package, but also to present what their own desired reform package would look like.

Afternoon: Mathods of Free Allocation

Presentation: Which models are to be considered

CEPS will present a number of options that need to be considered. This will be followed by a discussion with CMF participants.

Presentation: Modelling assumptions

CEPS will team up with the Wegener Center at the University of Graz to execute the quantitative modelling of the various models of free allocation under consideration.

During this presentation, the WegCenter will introduce and discuss the parameters and assumptions underlying the CGE model that we will use in the modelling.

