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NE Nomisma Energia is an independent research company that deals with energy and environmental issues, committed to understand energy markets and their short and long term trends.
NE Nomisma Energia covers all issues concerning energy markets and environmental policies, in Italy and Europe, which extend from fossil fuels markets to renewable energies, from industrial and market regulation to development of new technologies, from international politics to local Energy planning.
NE Nomisma Energia opera direttamente in vari paesi dell’Est Europa, Africa e Sud-America (NE International)
Mission e vision
People working in the energy sector can rely on a challenging future, characterized by increasing consumption, growing environmental obligations, great technological opportunities, and needs of huge investments. It means that in the future there will be a call of new solutions to face a more and more complex reality, where research and consulting activities will play a crucial role.
Our vision is based on the fact that in the future it will be valid the rule which states that solutions to the energy and environmental problems are to be found in the universe’s most important resource: the human thought.
Our mission is to rely on this resource in facing global energy problems and providing our costumers ad-hoc services trying to create a continuous link between us and them.
More concretely, we are committed to answer our costumers’ requests providing them in-depth analysis on energy markets, giving greater priority to industrial real aspects, such as prices and costs, environmental obligations, and rate of return on investments. However each project is developed taking into account the ongoing context characterized by global sustainability concerns and increasing consumptions.
To let it possible we work through a shared value system:
- In-depth knowledge of the energy markets
- Ability in communicating to key stakeholders
- Delivery of personalized solutions
- Credibility and impartiality
- Multi-disciplinary analytical approach
Core business
NE Nomisma Energia‘s core business focuses on the following activities:
Through a constant market analysis and a continuous collection of statistical data, our research activity is aimed at defining, building and updating analytical and explanatory models capable of foreseeing and evaluating energy markets dynamics.
Our consultancy activity provides the costumer a tailored service, based on research results, to satisfy their ad-hoc needs in terms of strategic choices, investments, critical business analysis, and tariff options.
Training sessions are designed to provide operators (public institutions, industrial players and end-users) the critical skills for an in-depth comprehension of the ongoing changes, allowing them to optimize their strategic decisions. Meeting management is a further means to deepen and discuss the latest sector’s issues thanks to the usual enrolment of relevant representatives from both private and institutional players.
NE Nomisma Energia deals with all issues concerning energy markets and environmental problems, including technological issues:
- Crude oil and oil products
- Natural gas
- Coal
- Electricity
- Renewable energies
- Energy generation from waste
- Green certificates
- Energy efficiency certificates
- Energy saving and efficiency
- Emission trading
- Nuclear
- Water
Si sono avvalsi dei servizi di NE Nomisma Energia:
- Energy Institutions
- Territorial, regional, provincial, municipal bodies
- Category associations representing energy sector players
- Financial operators
- Energy producers
- Energy distributors
- Industrial energy consumers and consortiums
- Energy importer and exporters