23-25 May 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


EUSAIR Pillar 2 Connecting the Region – Energy Designing an Energy Green Deal for the Adriatic-Ionian Region to Confront the Challenges of Climate Change and Energy Security (TSG Pillar 2 – Connecting the Region – Energy)

23-25 May 2023, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Countries through the Adriatic and Ionian Region are confronted with unprecedented challenges regarding from one side the transition towards decarbonised energy systems while contributing to the fight against global climate change. From the other side, there is the need to enhance security of energy supply with consideration for the new energy context and threats while maintaining energy competitiveness and granting affordable access to energy. Power and natural gas networks and delivery have a fundamental role in this respect. The Session is focusing on the idea of an Energy Green Deal for the Adriatic-Ionian Region which means an increased degree of energy cooperation with regard to the “greening” of the energy systems and their integration while facing the shared challenges. During the Session the preliminary outcomes, priorities and recommendations will be presented as they are emerging from the two strategic EUSAIR projects “Master Plan on Energy Networks for the Adriatic-Ionian Region” and “Road Map towards a EUSAIR Power Exchange and Natural Gas Trading Hub for the Adriatic-Ionian Region.


NE Nomisma Energia ha partecipato alla Sessione, illustrando i principali risultati del lavoro sul Master Plan on Energy Networks in Adriatic-Ionian Region.


Link to https://www.adriatic-ionian.eu/event/8th-annual-eusair-forum/